Testo della canzone "Heart of Madness - Film"
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Cantante: Kodomo Band
Autori: Non disponibile
Anno: 1985
Testo della canzone "Heart of Madness - Film"
(Sigla di Ken il Guerriero)

  This hopeless dream of mine has for a long, long time
  Been hidden away in my heart.
  This journey I now take is on the way
  to an everlasting freedom AWAY!
  There is no turning back now...
  Even if I cannot find the end of my sorrows...
  Ah! Ah!
  Standing in the Heart of Darkness.
  Ah! Ah!
  Give me my life!
  Give me my energy!
  Ah! Ah!
  Fighting in the Heart of Madness.
  Ah! Ah!
  Ease my pain!
  Ease my loneliness!
  Ah! Ah!
  Standing in the Heart of Darkness.
  Ah! Ah!
  Give me my life!
  Give me my energy!
  Ah! Ah!
  Fighting in the Heart of Madness.
  Ah! Ah!
  Ease my pain!
  Ease my loneliness!
  Whoa! Whoa...

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[Too fast for you]
Creato con P.R.O.M.E.T.E.O.