Pronunciation Key
The following pronunciation key gives the closest English equivalents to
the sounds used in Rom'lesta words. It should help the reader to understand
the pronunciation guide given for each word in the dictionary.
Where words are capitalised, the additional glottal stop in front of
the word has been omitted for the sake of clarity.
a as in hat
h as in happy
p as in cup
w as in wallet
â as in face
i as in fin
r as in run
y as in yes
ä as in father
î as in mine
s as in save
z as in zipper
b as in bad
k as in king
t as in teller
a as the a in about
ch as in children
l as in large
th as in thin
e as the e in taken
d as in done
m as in mouse
u as in butter
i as the i in pencil
e as in let
n as in never
ü as in rule
o as the o in lemon
ê as in easy
ng as in long
û as in music
f as in fine
o as in hot
u as the u in circus
g as in get
ô as in open
v as in very
Dictionary of Spoken Rom'lesta Terms
In the dictionary below, prefixes are followed by a hyphen and suffixes
are preceded by a hyphen. Plural forms are indicated following singular
nouns. In the pronunciation guides that follow each word, this stop is
written as a slash (/) to avoid confusion with apostrophes that commonly
act as accent marks. Accents are designated by italic letters.
-a (-ä), a common suffix used to denote
'of' when a noun is used as an adjective.
-as (äs), a common suffix to denote possession.
al- (al-), a noun prefix denoting improvement
-am (-äm), the regular ending for singular
nouns; irregular forms exist
-asz (äsz), a common suffix for place
names, equivalent to '-ton' in English.
avastam, -ai (ä-vä-stäm),
a wedge.
Avastam, the area of space known to the Federation
as the Triangle. It borders UFP, Romulan, and Klingon space.
aye, White
Aye Mosaram, "The white wind" A meterological
disturbance peculiar to Remus; twice per year, a hot wind blows across
the northern hemisphere for as long as five days. Mineral particles from
the western cliffs are borne aloft by the winds, and, at night their phosphorescence
causes the hemisphere-wide night glow that gives the weather phenomenon
its name. Also the class name of a heavy cruiser type
bresasam, -ai (brâ-sä-säm),
gathering or assembly.
Bresasm, the original group of assembled city-states
often called the Romulan Confederation.
calanam (kä-lä-näm),
large area or region.
cav'sanalam, -alri (cäv-/-sä-näl-m),
class name of a Romulan shuttlecraft nicknamed the Duck Of Doom. Its Romulan
name, best translated as 'billed one', comes from that of a waterfowl noted
for its prominent bill; the Romulan creature uses its prominent bill to
strain algae and other pond plants for food. The shuttlecraft was nicknamed
by Federation wags, who compared its shape to that of a Terran waterfowl.
cl'vangam, -gri (kl-/-väng-am),
act of revenge.
d'- (d-/-), prefix equivalent to 'grand' or
d'anna (d-l-än-nä), marriage;
literally, the 'Great Joining.
d'bresassam rassam (d-/-bre-sä -säm
räs-säm), family gathering or family shrine.
deridax / daridex (där-ê-dächs),
Executioner (TNG/FASA)
D' deridax / D'daridex (d-/-där-ê-dächs),
Grand Exeutioner (i.e. Minister of justice or similar). Class name for
the newer Warbird class.
deletham, -thri (de-le-thäm),
defender or protector.
delon (de-lon), swift
D'ravsai (d-/-räv-sî), Gods;
literally, 'Great Brothers.' AKA 'the Elements'.
d'hannam (d-/-hän-näm), prayer;
literally, 'Great Communing.'
d'navassa (d-/-nä-väs-sä),
birth. This form used only in reference to birth of intelligent beings,
especially Romulan children. Compare with navassa.
d'latta (d-/-lät-tä), honourable
death, used only when a Romulan has died to further the Romulan Way. Compare
with latta.
d'sora (d-/-sô-rä), ceremony,
held at age 5, after- which a child is no longer subject to euthanasia
for genetic defects.
D'takararri (d-/-tä-kä-räm),
The Great Comet, a military decoration preserved for securing new resources
for the Star Empire.
d'talla (d-/-täl-lä), military
service obligation; literally, 'Great Duty'.
hannam, -nri (hän-näm), communication
or message.
hatham, -thri (hä-thäm),
hathos, -sri (häth-os), hunter
hevam, -vai (hâ-väm), human.
-i (-e), standard suffix for plural nouns.
kalabam, -bi (kä-lä-bäm),
storm or tempest.
klivam, -vai (klê-väm),
Klingon race / individual.
k'manatram, -tri (k-/-mä-nä-träm),
out cast. Literally 'Unseen One'.
latasam, -sai (lä-tä-säm),
road or pathway.
latta (lät-tä),
death or final ending; from the same root as latasam, the word for "road".
manda (män-dä), verb "to
mandukar (män-dü-kär),
watchful, vigilant.
mav'sam, -sai (mäv-säm),
morlasasi (môr-läs-asî),
mosaram, -ri (mo-sä-räm),
-n (n), a common suffix for place names, equivalent
to -'ville or -'burg.
narvasam, -sri (när-vä-säm),
nest or roost.
navassa (nä-väs-sä),
birth, referring to non-intelligent beings only. From the same root as
narvasam ('nest') and probably derived from the term for nesting.
ocala, -ri (oc-äl-ä), fire
phi'lasasam (fi-/-lä-sä-säm),
formal educational process, including military training; literally 'The
pratoram, -ori (prâ-tô-räm),
leader or top official; usually the leader of a governing body at any level;
'praetor' in Federation nomenclature.
Pratoram, The Imperial Praetor.
ralaaram ocala, "fire from the sky"
Rav's (Räv-/-s),
Remus, companion planet to Rom'lasz literally, 'biological brother'. (Cf
rav'sam, -sai (räv-säm),
re- (rä-), prefix denoting freedom or
lack of restraint.
-ri (-rê), standard suffix for plural
Rom'lasz (Räm-/-läsz),
Romulan home planet, known to the Federation as Romulus; literally, 'Home
of the People'. (Cf ch'Rihan)
Rom'lesta (Räm-/-les-tä),
the common Romulan spoken and written language; in the Federation this
usually known as Romulan. (Cf Havrannsu)
Rom'lnz (Räm-/-lanz), the Romulan
race or an individual Romulan; literally, 'the People'.
- safram, -ri (sä-främ),
Senator or member of a Romulan governing body at any level. Cf
- Saf'lesta (säf-/- les-tä),
'High' Romulan, spoken by the elder houses and the language of
government; literally 'the language of the Senate'.
- sindaram, -ri (sên-dä-räm),
insect - the Plural is often taken as 'Swarm'.
- sivas (sê-väs),
of or pertaining to a locality or a single city-state.
- stelam, -ai (slê-läm),
star or sun.
- Stelam Rom'lnz, primary star of
the Romulan home system, Eisn.
- stelai ler'hevai (stê-lî
ler-/hâ-vî), The Neutral Zone; literally,
'The area of stars nearest the Humans'.
- S'L- (s-/-l-), common personal
name prefix denoting honour.
- S'T- (s-/-t-), common personal
name prefix denoting bravery.
- s'ten (s-/-ten), gallant, brave.
takaram (tä-kä-räm),
talas (tä-läs), to carry
or lift.
talasagam h'sarin (tä-läs-ä-gäm
h-/-sä-rên), transporter; literally, 'matter-radio
long-carrier;' sometimes simply talasagam; 'the long-carrier.'
talla (täl-lä), duty or obligation;
from the same root as talas, to carry/
temar, -ari (tê-mär), night.
-us (-us), common personal name suffix denoting
ustalam, -ri (us-tä-läm),
lifter (literally strong carrier)
vadaso, glider.
vang'radam, -di (väng-/-rä-däm),
traitor or betrayer; also used as an insult.
vastagor, -ri (väs-täg-or),
talon; literally "Wing Claw"
- vastam, -ri (väs-täm),
wing. Cf
vastaram, -ari (väs-tä-räm),
flying object.
vas'- (väs-/-), prefix referring to any
flying creature.
vas'deletham, -thri (väs-/-de-lê-thäm),
class name of a Romulan Heavy Cruiser, named for an avian creature common
to Remus best known for its extreme territoriality. Adults of the species,
about the size of a Terran chicken, will fight to the death to defend the
few meters of territory around their nest, driving away even full-grown
vas'hatham (väs-/-hä-thäm),
class name for several types of Romulan warships, including an older model
light cruiser and a newer-model scoutcraft, both named for a flying predator
native to Romulus and Remus, known for courage; best translated as bird
of prey. The term has become so identified with Romulan military might
that it is applied commonly to any Romulan warship. About twice the size
of a full-grown Terran condor, the creature has iridescent red, gold, and
brown plumage. Few unarmed humanoids would be a match for an angry or hungry
bird of prey, which are said to attack people only rarely and can never
be domesticated.
vas'kalabam, -bri (väs-/-kä-lä-bäm),
class name given to Klingon D-7 Class Battlecruisers In the Romulan Imperial
Navy. The name comes from a nocturnal predatory avian native to Romulus,
best translated as stormbird. Stormbirds, often seen flying on the rising
wind before a storm, are the size of a small Terran hawk; they are territorial
and often fight among themselves. Cf
vas'teelis (väs-/-tã-e/-ês),
class name of a Romulan shuttlecraft, named for a small bird, native to
Remus, noted for its eerie, high-pitched warble; best translated as songbird.
verelan (vê-re-län), graceful.
verelan vastarum (vê-re-län väs-tä-räm),
class name of a Romulan courier/scoutship, named for a Romulan migratory
bird resembling an elongated Terran swan; best translated as graceful flyer.
The creature, which has a long-tapered neck and sleek lines, is very fast
for its size.