Dizionario di termini Rihannsu
The Majority of the listing is based upon Diane Duane's Star Trek Novels,
in particular "The Romulan Way" Some are inventions of our own,
but the collation used to formulate this list comes from John's
TNG MUSE WWW Page (Very, very good site which is mostly in accordance
of Nik's and my ideas of Romulan-ness). We have made a few "corrections",
mainly to the military ranks to remove the non sensical ones, and removal
of all Rom'lesta terms which of course have their own place hereabouts.
- ae, wing Cf
aefvadh, "Be welcome."
aefvriha, head administrator
aehallh, 1 - monster-ghost. 2 - an illusory
creature, cognate to "nightmare" in Terran tradition that "rides" the dreamer
to its perdition. 3 - the image or illusion that one being has of another,
as opposed to the true nature of the person in question
aehkhifv, pain
Ael, "winged."
ae'r, to laugh
aesnl, day, the light period of one tel (versus
night, as opposed to tel (day meaning amount of time), which means 12 tarim)
aevr, flight
afweirrea, Instructor/teacher, professor
afvillhei, governor
afw'ein, reason, as in
use of one's faculties.
ahyan, away team
Aidoann, "Moon."
aihai, plains, plain country.
aihr, "this is" (someone/something)
akdn, later
aled, able
akdn, later
amton'wi-kha, promiscuous
aoi, forever
areinnye, hell
arrain, 'Lieutenant'
arrian'riov, 'Lieutenant Commander
arrenhe, skilled
arrhai, arrhe-aevr, merchant, (literally "worth-in-cash
arrhe, worth-in-cash
a'rhea, dear-heart
atlai, river
au, you
au'e, "Oh yes."
auethn, advise me, answer a query.
auethnen, advisor
Bah'joranna, Bah'jorannsu, Bajoran(s)
batlem, wounded
bedah, farewell
bed aoi, goodbye forever
beest, stay
bhai, farewell (very informal)
bhai'allh, farewell to several people(very
Bhet'sadha, Bhet'sadhannsu, Betazoid
bontdet, give unwillingly
bontwe, give willingly
Card'hassinna, Card'hassinnsu, Cardassian(s)
caevra, heart
celliea, falling
ch'Havran, (planet)
"of the Travelers." Remus in Terran parlance or Rav's
in Rom'lesta
ch'Rihan, (planet) "of
the Travellers." Romulus in Terran parlance or Rom'lasz
in Rom'lesta.
choch, quickly
chon, here
daie, yes (inferior to superior form)
daise, prefix: chief, principal, senior(etc.).
daisemi'in, chief among several.
dalaredh, busy
deihu, "elder": a member
of the Senate: "Senator." Cf
dedreen, conceal
dekon, help
dhat, no
dhael, bird. General, conceptual, as often
applied to real birds as to thought-image of a bird, gliding, soaring,
dhivael, Nocturnal predatory
avian native to ch'Rihan, best translated as stormbird. Stormbirds, often
seen flying on the rising wind before a storm, are the size of a small
Terran hawk; they are territorial and often fight among themselves. Cf
dinglh, food center, restaraunt
dinglha, hungry
diserhn, assistant
dvaer, only
dypshj, partner, ally
e'ayy, year
ehl'ein, without forethought or reason (see
eirhiss, grounds, property
Eisn, "homesun." The G9
star 128 Trianguli.
Eitreh'hveinn, the Farmer's Festival.
e'lev, heis'he, love (noun), "my love"
erei'riov, Subcommander: captain/commander.
erein, antecenturion/subcenturion: officer-cadet/ensign.
enriov, admiral class
eredh, cadet, student eredhin(plural)
etrehh, machine
Feh'renghi, Feh'renghinnsu, Ferengi(s)
fhaihuhhru, row, fight, uproar
fortnepas, all
fvai, fvaii, child's riding-beast and house-pet.
fvillha, One who serves in the fvillhaih ("Praetor")
fvillhaih, Praetorate
fvehai, worker
fveirrolh, perserverant
fvrihai, administrator
gen, stand
gletten, a thin, greasy, gruel-like soup
haerh, haerht, cargo space, cargo hold
hallh'na, "report to me now" (urgent)
han'etrehh, personal communicator
hann'yyo, "thank you"
haerh, haerht, cargo space, cargo hold
haud, writing
haud, writing
haudet', computer, from haud = writing and
etrehh, machine
Havranha, Havrannsu, native(s) of the planet
ch'Havran - (planet) "of the Declared
Havrannsu, Language
"of the Declared" CF
heis'he, love
hfai, hfehan, bond-servant
hfihar, hfihrrn, noble house(s)
hlai, hlaiin, large flightless birds farmed
for their meat.
hlai'hwy, hlaiin'hwy, tame hlai(s)
hlai'vnau, hlaiin'vnau, wild hlai(s)
h'levreinnye, love-devil, lust-devil (term
of endearment)
hna, need, want (verb)
hnaai, ready
hnafirh, "see," but not an active verb
hnafirh'au-d, "can you see" (sarcastic)
hnafirh'rau, "let me/us see it"
hnafiv, "hear," but not an active verb
hnafiv'au-d, "can you hear" (sarcastic)
hnafiv'rau, "let me/us hear it"
hna'h, activation, imperative suffice, e.g.
"Fire!" or "Engage!"
hnafirh, "see," but not an active verb. Cf.
hnafirh'rau, "Let me/us see it."
hnafiv, "hear," as in "Let me hear it"
hnhaudr, computer data transfer
hnoiyika, hnoiyikar, predator(s), similar
to Terran weasel but wolf-sized
hrrau, at/on/in, a general locative preposition
or infix
hru'fir, bond-mate
hru'hfe, Head-of-Household, the senior servant
hru'hfirh, Head-of-House, euph. "The Lord."
Most senior member of a noble family.
h'ta-fvau, "To last place, immediate return!"
hteij, transporter (common usage)
hteij'rhae, "activate transporter," "transporter
hveillh, territory. Usually an area of land
but now accepted in terms of space as well.
hwaveyiir, command center, the flight bridge
(as opposed to combat control area) of a ship
hwiiy, you are (adjective or some thing).
ie. "hwiiy veruul," meaning "you are a fool."
hwy, suffix meaning held, tamed
i, and
Ie, Come, yes. General response/acknoweldgement.
iehyyak, "multiple" rather than "several"
ie'yyak-hnah, "Fire phasers!"
ihlla'hn, "you'll do," "that's just enough,"
barely adequate or sufficient
i'Ramnau, A small city on ch'Rihan
jhu, angel
jol, love (verb)
Jolan tru (Jhollan'trruh), Generic semiformal
greeting and farewell. ("Have a nice day")
ju, there
Kah'tanna, Kah'tannsu, Caitan(s)
kaleh, dagger, knife
ke'rhin, ke'rhinnsu, fellow Rihanha (Rihannsu)
khaiell, the atmosphere
kheh, a grain used to make ale.
kheinsa, counselor
khellian, arch. "hunter": also the name of
a minor Praetorial house.
khell'oann-mhehorael, "More of Them, from
Somewhere Else." The Klingons.
khent, content
khlenai, khlenaiin, replicator(s)
khnai'ra rhissiuy, warmly phrased expression
of thanks
khoi, "switch off," "cease," "finish."
khoilmnriir, chancellor, head of an educational
khoilmnriir, chancellor, head of an educational
khre'Enriov, "Senior Commander-General," Brigadier/Admiral
khre'riov, commander-general : Colonel/Commodore
Kiith Mrevhoqq'ghi, The Rihannsu diplomatic
kllhe, an annelid worm, introduced to domestic
hlai pens, used as an insult
kll'inghann, kll'inghannsu, Klingon(s) (often
used as an adjective)
kneu'ginye, a lush
kri, building
krowert, soon
knvuk, ugly
kyr lep, some
lacendt, small
lagga, a bush noted for its rose-colored flower
'le, like, as (as in "looks like a Klingon")
lehe'jhme, fruit used to make wine
Levaeri V, fifth planet of the Levaeri system
(113 Trianguli)
lhaerrh, lifter (object that lifts)
lhaerrhnen, lhaerrhnennsu, lifter (one who
lifts) ie a bearer
lhai, ago, as in "three days ago"
lhhei, "Madam"
lhi, Rihannsu game of wits and riddles
llaekh, murder
llaekh-ae'rl, "laughing-murder," Rihannsu
unarmed combat
llaet'rrh, Informal farewell
llaiir, flame (as opposed to fire)
llairhi, llaudh, ambassador
lleifven, attaché (the job)
llhrei'sian, diarrhea as a result of mild
llilla'hu, that will do, "that's just enough,"
barely adequate, sufficient
lliu, none, nothing
lloann'mhrahel, the UFP. The word translates
as "Them, from There."
lloann'na, lloann'su, catchall title for a
UFP member (s)
lloann'na'hwy, lloann'su'hwy, Held UFP member(s)
l'lorel'ei, attractive
lyret, truth
lyret dedreen, concealed truth
maenek, doctor
mayri, come
melakol, unit of measure for pressure
mhr'vaat, ambition, hubris, extreme pride
mliank'ie, suspicious
mnahe, hate
mnek'nra, mnekha, "correct,satisfactory."Inf.-Sup.
and Sup.-Inf. modes, respectively.
mnhei'sahe, the Ruling Passion,honor,"face",courtesy
Mogai, a Rihannsu-sized carnivorous bird native
to ch'Rihan
mrht, but
na, known as, called
nah'lai, or (conj)
nei'rrh, small birds, similar to Terran hummingbirds,
with a poison beak. Also an insult.
neth ... nah'lai, either ... or
notht, health
nuhirrien, "look-toward", the quality of charisma
or mass attractiveness.
oaii, oaii'n, everything
oal'lhlih, "announce the presence/the arrival."
oira, "battle-control", battle-bridge.
onkian, a unit used to measure temperature
(12 onkians is roughly equivalent to 20K).
patned pra krsh, never
payr, may
pokot, warm
qiuu, qiuu'n(oaii), all, everything, "the
raihiw'sheh, advocate, one who speaks for
another in court
Ra'kholh, Avenger. A popular ship-name in
the Rihannsu Fleet.
Ra'tleihfi, the capital city on ch'Rihan.
rawn, slowly
ray, poor, bad, ill, unsatisfactory
recendt, large
rehei, private or fourth name
rekkhai, "sir": inferior-superior high phase
rha, rh'e, "indeed," "is that so"(colloq.
volg. "oh yeah?").
rhae (v), switch on, activate, engage (a device)
rhaetelh, executive
Rhi, five
Rhian, Fire (the Element)
Rihannha, Rihannsu, native(s) of the planet
riov, Commander, fleet rank equivalent to
Captain or Colonel
rjudhe, target (the verb)
rrh'eilln, carrier (the noun)
rrh-thanai, hostage-fostering
ru, to
ryak'na, garbage, trash material (also an
saeihr, sun
sahe, love, often used as a term of affection
similar to 'beloved'
seiHehllirh, The Rihannsu government (lit.
"The Tricameron")
sesketh, a dessert made of a sugary confection
twisted on a spice stick
shad elet, today
shad onre, tomorrow
shaoi ben, salutation to inferior
shaoi dan, salutation to equal
shaoi kon, salutation to superior
s'harien, one of the swords built by the Vulcan
of the same name (S'harien) and brought along with the Travellers on their
show, hot
sienae, sword
siuren, "minutes": equal to 50.5 Terran seconds.
ssaedhe, steadfast
sseikea, a scavenger, analogous to the Terran
hyena and employed as an insult
ssuaj, understand, know (inferior-sueprior
mode, verb)
ssuaj-ha, "Understood!" (inferior-superior
ss'ue, a tube
ssuej, understand, know (superior-inferior
mode, verb)
ssuej-d'ifv, "Do you understand?" (superior-inferior
ssuej'n, understandable
sthea'hwill, "I request (an action) be done
at once" (Sup-Inf, courteous)
stev, now
ta, look (active verb)
takas, multi-unit living structure, apartment
ta'khoi, "Screen off," usage for voice-activation
ta'krenn, "Look here, look at this"
Tal Shiar, the Rihannsu secret police and
intelligence agency. Derived from Vulcan Tal'shaya or formal execution
ta'rhae, "screen on"
terrh, darkness
thaliij, mountain
th'ann, th'ann-a, "a/the prisoner"
th'ann'vnau, th'ann-a'vnau, escaped prisoner(s)
tharon, sit
theirr, guardian
Thieurrull, Hellguard, a failed colony planet
thlhe, he
thlem, him
thllen, result, as in "I want results"
thlhem, his
thlho, me (subjective form)
thlom, me (objective form)
thlhom, my, mine
thrad, to lie, deceive
thrai, thraiin, predator, analogous to the
Terran wolverine
thural, a small rodent-like aquatic mammal
sometimes used as a pet
tlaru, intelligence (spying)
tlhei, "my word," given as in "my (given)
word" or "my command/order/bidding"
t'li, it (subjective form)
t'lii, it (objective form)
t'lim, its
t'lhim, that, as in "that warbird"
t'liss, a bird of prey (the Rihannsu Warbird)
tlhojur, hour
Trh'illha, Trg'illannsu, Trill(s) (native(s)
of the Federation world Trill).
t'shel, she
t'selm, her
t'shelm, her
urru, "go to ..." A non-mode imperative.
urstev, leave, dismissed
vaed'rae, "hear me/attend me," "attention."
More imperative than "listen," and more formal.
vaed'rehai, professor
vah-udt, "what rank?" "who are you (to be
asking/doing this)?"
viinerine, a traditional dish (food)
vnau, suffix meaning loose, wild
Vorta Vor, Rihannsu Eden or Heaven
vriha, highest, most superior
wagi, a type of dense, prickly brush
ya, armed, as in "disruptor armed," or "ya-ie'yakk"
yhea, agile or maneuverable
yhfi, to travel
yhfi-etrehh, turbolift
yhfi-ss'ue, "travel-tubes" or subway
y'hhau, informal greeting
yy'a, die, dead
General prefixes and suffixes
ehl, noun prefix meaning lost or without
el, Upper, as in el'Ustlha (Upper Worker)
erei, Sub, as erei'Eredh (Subcadet, where
Eredh means Cadet)
khe, more (as '-er' in English)
khre, General, as khre'Eredh (Cadet-General,
where Eredh means Cadet)
lh', verb prefix denoting past tense
ne, Lower, as in ne'Ustlha (Lower Worker)
v', verb prefix denoting future tense
v, verb prefix denoting future tense or noun
prefix meaning adopted
asi, suffix equivalent to -ing in English
hwy, suffix meaning held, tamed
ih, an agent, office, official, or group of
in, standard plural ending for words ending
in an i
vnau, suffix meaning loose, wild
Military Ranks
eredh, "Cadet".
khre'eredh, "Senior Cadet".
erein, "Ante-Centurion", Ensign. Lowest officer
rank. Second Lieutenant in ground forces/Tal Shiar.
erei'arrain, "Sub-Centurion", Lieutenant junior
grade. in ground forces/Tal Shiar. Lieutenant in ground forces/Tal Shiar.
arrain, "Centurion", Lieutenant/Lieutenant
Commander. Captain in ground forces/Tal Shiar.
khre'arrain, "Senior Centurion", Commander.
The third officer on most vessels and second officer on smaller vessel.
This is more a title than a rank and ther will only be one per vessel under
all but extraordinary circumstances. Major in ground forces/Tal Shiar.
erei'riov, "Sub-Commander", Commander/Captain.
Lowest rank at which command of a ship maybe held, in exceptional circumstances
may be First officer on a mjor vessel. Major in ground forces/Tal Shiar.
riov, "Commander"Captain. Usual rank of a
ship's commanding officer. Colonel in ground forces/Tal Shiar.
khre'riov, "Commander-General", commodore/rear
admiral. Brigadier in ground forces/Tal Shiar.
erei'enriov, "Sub-Senior commander", Rear
admiral. Lieutenant General in ground forces/Tal Shiar.
enriov, "Senior Commander", Vice Admiral.
General in ground forces/Tal Shiar.
khre'enriov, "Senior Commander-General", Fleet
Admiral. Field Marshall in ground forces/ Tal Shiar.
Civilian Ranks
Hfai, servant
Hfehan, citizen
ne'Arrhai, junior merchant
Arrhai, merchant
el'Arrhai, senior merchant
Eredh, student
ne'Fvehai, junior worker
Fvehai, worker
el'Fvehai, senior worker
ne'Rhaetelh, junior executive
Rhaetelh, executive
el'Rhaetelh, senior executive
ne'Fvrihai, junior administrator
Fvrihai, administrator
el'Fvrihai, senior administrator
ne'Aefvriha, assistant head administrator
Aefvriha, head administrator
Praetelh, president
ne'Afvillhei, junior governor
Afvillhei, governor
el'Afvillhei, senior governor
ne'Auethnen, junior advisor
Auethnen, advisor
el'Auethnen, senior advisor
hru'Auethnen, chief advisor
ne'Lleifven, junior attaché
Lleifven, attaché
el'Lleifven, senior attaché
ne'Llairhi, junior ambassador
Llairhi, ambassador
el'Llairhi, senior ambassador
hru'Llairhi, chief ambassador
Praetor, landowner
en'Deihu, lower senator
Deihu, senator
Fvillha, head praetor
Insults and Obscenities
Areinnye, Hell
Bkhell'gyum, Lowland country liable to flooding
and smelling bad
Dha'rudh, Total Idiot. This is a severe insult.
eneh hwau' kllhwnia na imirrhlhhse, an obscenity
Fvadt, generic interjection, like "Damn!"
Hnaev, Offal, crap
Hnoiyika(r), Weasel(s)
Khoi-udt, Drop Dead
Kllhe, Worm, shit-eater
Kllhe'mnhe, worm food, shit
Llaudh, Underhanded person, not always an
Nei'rrh, Annoying Gnat
Sseikea, Hyena, scavenger
Susse-thrai, She-wolf, bitch
Urru Areinnye, Go to hell
Vah'areinnye, What the hell?
veruul, fool
Family Positions
auethnen, Advisor
dianvm, Brother
di'ranov, Father
eri'hfirh, Heir of House
hru'diranov, Grandfather
hru'hfirh, Head of House
hru'nanov, Grandmother
ia'rinam, Oldest Sister
ira'dianvm, Oldest Brother
llaugh, Representative
rianov, Weaponsmaster
rian, Cousin
rinam, Sister
ri'nanov, Mother
v'dianvm, Adopted Brother
v-di'ranov, Adopted Father
v-hru'diranov, Adopted Grandfather
v'rian, Adopted Cousin
v'rinam, Adopted Sister
v-ri'nanov, Adopted Mother
Useful Phrases
a'hyan hnaai ll'anha, "(persons name), get
an away team ready to go."
lagga ch'jhu, "a flower for an angel"
hwiiyo her'u, "I am lonely"
hnalo-stev thllen-a, "I want results now"
hnalo thlo hru'fir, "I need my bondmate,"
or "I need to bond"
hwiiy amton'wi-kha, "you are promiscuous"
hwiiy kneu'ginye, "you are a lush"
tal 'le kll'inghann, "you look like a Klingon"
hwiiy l'lorel'ei, "you are attractive"
ssuej-ay thlom?, "do you know me?"
jol-ao au, "I love you"
kll'inghann-a fvaiin aefvadh-ayar'dhat chon,
"Klingon dogs are not welcome here" (aefvadh is the verb, meaning "are
welcome," with -ayar being the suffix to denote a singular third person
subject-verb combo)
ssuej-ay t'lhim lloann'na?, "do you know that
hriah-ay th'ann(-a) hrrau br'terrh, "take
the prisoner(s) to the brig"
urruyo oira, "I'm on (going to) the bridge"
ya-ie'yakk, "armed and ready to open fire"
hwiiy kllhe, "you (are a) worm"
v'yy'al, fvai, "(you will) die, dog"
v'rhaen-ao'au, "I'll kill you"
Ie-a'rhea, "Yes, dear heart?"